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Student Portfolio


Throughout the year, record learning experiences as you go in an online Student Portfolio. This gives students the chance to reflect on their learning and share with their teachers what they are learning and how specific skills are being met.

Student Portfolio entries look different for each student and each subject. You can share what you're learning with your teacher through photos and descriptions, work samples, videos, a write-up of a learning activity, a virtual chat, or other ways of expressing student learning. Teachers love when you share your progress and especially when students "show and tell" what they are learning. It's also fun to look back  and see your student’s progress throughout the year when all of your Portfolio entries are compiled at the end of the year.

Included in the Student Portfolio is a place where pictures can be taken and uploaded from a mobile device to record memorable activities and field trips, a favorite project, science experiment or creative writing. If a field trip or activity involves more than one student, a parent can share the portfolio entry between students and then add specific details to each student. 

Submissions are required at least bimonthly in language arts, math, and science and monthly in social studies and electives. Specific learning plan dates are set by you and your teacher according to your student's learning plan.


*Please note that some schools may have reporting guidelines specific to them and your mentor will work with you to make sure you can easily meet those goals. 

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